Saint mary Euphrasia, foundress of the Good Shepherd Community of sisters was born Rose Virginie Pelletier on July 31st 1796 in a small island of Nourmoutier on the west coast of France. On October 20th 1814 she entered the Refuge and was given the name of Sister Mary Euphrasia.
In September 1817 Sister Mary Euphrasia professed her vows to Jesus. In 1825, she was unanimously elected Superior of the convent. Here, she sought to realize a dream of hers. She started the Sister Magdelians, now known as the contemplation of the Good Shepherd.
From tours Sister Mary Euphrasia move to Angers at the request of Bishop of Angers. An old textile mill was acquired and converted as the 'House of the Good Shepherd'. The official opening took place on July 31st 1829.More Houses of Refuge were opened - in Le Lan in April 1833, in pastiers in November 1833, and in Grenoble in December 1833.
From being Rose at Tours, then Rose at Angers, she became Rose of the world. Convents were established in Rome, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Holland, and across the seas in England and Ireland. Then further to Egypt, America, India, Chile, Canada, Australia and Pakistan.
Finally in 1867 Bishop Hilanian Sillani of Colombo, wrote to Sister Mary Euphrasia and the convent at Kotahena was opened on 25th April 1869. The Rose had come to Sri Lanka. Meanwhile, Sister Mary Euphrasia had past to her eternal rest on 24th April 1868.
Then in 1888, the site was selected on the hill terrain 'Mount Leo' for the convent of Good Shepherd in Kandy. On February 8th 1889, the blessing and formal opening of the school took place. The Rose remains in Kandy.
"Though old stars burn out and die, look to new horizons and even beyond" - Sister Mary Euphrasia
The Latinate phrase "Fortiter et Suaviter" engraved in the heart of every true Shepherdian is unspoken but self-evident something rich and beautiful.
"Strength and Sweetness" is human, spiritual, divine helping to broaden and deepen the meaning of life and enriching all human relationships.
Good Shepherd's Convent, A B Damunupola Mawatha, Kandy, Sri Lanka
7:30 am - 1:30 pm
7:30 am - 1:30 pm
7:30 am - 1:30 pm
7:30 am - 1:30 pm
7:30 am - 1:30 pm
September 13, 2024 7:17 pm local time
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