Wesley College
Is a family of 3000 students, 200 teachers, as well as a large group of supportive Past-Pupils. The College offers education from grades 1 to 13, with an A/L section with Arts, Commerce and Science sections. A large variety of sports activities take place in the newly renovated school playground, and the college proudly hosts a number of Clubs and Societies that are engaged in a wide scope of fields ranging from ICT to Counseling and Psychology.
Wesley College is named after John Wesley (1703-1791), the founder of the Methodist Church. An Oxford graduate, he was one of the greatest evangelists in the history of the Christian Church. A preacher of great power and an organizer of genius, he founded Methodism in the face of intense opposition and laid the foundations of future world-wide expansion.
Wesley College began its life in Dam Street Pettah and was founded by Rev. Daniel Henry Pereira on the 2nd of March 1874. He became its first Vice Principal during the Principalship of Rev. Samuel Rowse Wilkin. Dam Street takes us back to the Dutch period. During the early days Pettah was a respectable residential area and its streets were lined by tall trees. Messenger Street was called ‘Rue de Massang’ by the Dutch as there were many Massang trees. Even today it is called Massang Gas Vidiya. Earlier Dam Street was called ‘Damba Street’ as Damba trees lined its path. The school had its beginnings on the dusty verandahs of the old Methodist Church at Dam Street, Pettah. Following is a notice published in the Weekly Christian Journal- Satyalankaraya or The Beauty of Truth on the 21st of January 1874.
Closely associated with Rev Pereira was Jan Crozier, a kindly Boer from the South African Rand. The Pettah merchants of mixed race and religions sent their children to receive their education in this school.
Daniel Henry Pereira was much loved by the people and his pupils. He laboured thus for years in the dust and the heat of Pettah. When Rev Highfield arrived In 1895 Pettah was rapidly becoming industrialized and he saw the need for quieter surroundings for his school with room to expand. Wesley College was moved to its present site in 1905 with the help of the dynamic Rev. Henry Highfield.
President's Message
The Methodist Church Sri Lanka from its inception in 1814 has been involved in the field of education and has made a great contribution to our nation by producing great leaders of our nation. Wesley College in Colombo is one such institution that has continuously produced young men who have taken their place in society. Our church is very proud of the services that Wesley College continues to render and the Methodist Church Sri Lanka will continue to support and uphold the work of Wesley College, Colombo.
To be the premier Christian secondary educational institute and to provide men of stature and integrity to be leaders in the technologically advancing environment.
The mission of Wesley College is to inculcate Christian values and provide opportunities to develop latent potential and skills to lead the nation.
Karlshrue Gardens, Colombo 00900
7:00 am - 3:00 pm
7:00 am - 3:00 pm
7:00 am - 3:00 pm
7:00 am - 3:00 pm
7:00 am - 3:00 pm
September 7, 2024 4:45 pm local time
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